- 'Tis Best to Give and Receive
- +1 Medal of Honor
- +1 Star Jar
- +1 Unicorn Tart
- +3 Medal of Honor
- +3 Star Jar
- +3 Unicorn Tart
- +6 Medal of Honor
- +6 Star Jar
- +6 Unicorn Tart
- 14 Carrots
- ??
- ???
- A-squiring To Greatness
- A Big Bash
- A Bit Bullish
- A Bit Sheepish
- A Bite In The Air
- A Blossoming Friendship
- A Brambling man
- A Brave Effort
- A Call To Arms
- A Call to Arms
- A Clean Sweep
- A Creature Is Stirring
- A Creature is Stirring
- A Crook's Hook
- A Daring Rescue
- A Decent Proposal
- A Dirty Mine
- A Dragon State of Mind
- A Fairy Colorful Tale
- A Few Feathers More
- A Fortunate Ward
- A Friendly Feast
- A Golden Building
- A Good Foundation
- A Good Word
- A Helpful Boost
- A Helping Hand
- A Horse of a Different Color
- A Jolly Medium
- A Knight's Tale
- A Knight's Trial
- A Knightly Journey
- A Little Bit of Fall
- A Little Experiment
- A Little Love
- A Magical Bond
- A New Do
- A New Resident
- A Noble Beginning
- A Noble Cause
- A Penny Saved
- A Perfect Mess
- A Perfect Nest
- A Pet for George
- A Pirate's Life
- A Pirate's Tail
- A Pirates Life
- A Pixie Pick Me Up!
- A Pleasant Picnic
- A Portal Too Far
- A Possible Cat-astrophe!
- A Real Fixer-Upper
- A Royal-ish Summons
- A Scurvy Man's Chest
- A Smashing Success
- A Speedy Supply Spell
- A Spirited New Year
- A Spiritual Place
- A Study in Sweet Buns
- A Tad Doughy
- A Taste of Disaster
- A Thief and the Knight
- A Torchy Subject
- A Tunnel of Treasure
- A Warm Welcome
- A Wolf Pack of One
- A Youthful Yuletide
- Abandoned Dragon Cave
- Abducting Like a Dragon
- Above the Thaw
- Adoption Day
- Adventure Club
- Adventure Club Enrollment
- Afraid of the Dark
- After Party
- Agnes
- Agricultural Acupuncture
- Agricultural Superpower
- Air Mail
- Alarm Bell
- Alastair
- Alastair's Cave
- Alastair's Errand
- Alchemist Powder
- Alchemy Table
- All Mine!
- All Purpose Polish
- All That Glitters
- All Tied Up
- All Worked Up
- All in the Mine
- Alliance Banner
- Allies with Benefits
- Altar State
- Amber
- Amythite Rock
- An Ally in Me
- An Icy Inconvenience
- An Illumination Education
- Ancient Artifact
- And Party Every Day!
- Angle Finder
- Animal Bone
- Animal Lover
- Animal Shelter
- Animal Treats
- Animals
- Anti-Curse Sanctuary
- Anvil
- Anything For a Fan
- Anything Goes
- Apple Slices
- Apply Liberally
- Aquamarine
- Araucana Egg
- Archery Target
- Archery Tent
- Are you Inn
- Armor Rack
- Armor Up!
- Armor Up Again!
- Armored Shirt
- Armory
- Arrowhead
- Art of Love
- Art vs Gloom
- Ask Around
- Assault on the Vault
- Astrolabe
- Attack of the Clone
- Autographed Sketch
- Automaton Attempts
- Avocado
- Awefully Awkward
- Back for More
- Backpack
- Bad Hair Day
- Bag of Nails
- Bag of Popcorn
- Bait and Switch
- Baited Breath
- Baiting the Trap I
- Baiting the Trap II
- Bakery
- Bakin' Bits
- Baking Soda
- Balloon Ride To Adventure
- Bamboo Stem
- Banish the Gloom Lord
- Banner Pack
- Banners
- Barracks
- Barrel
- Bass
- Batter
- Batter Up
- Battered and Fried
- Baz
- Baz Finds His Calling!
- Be Prepared
- Be Prepared!
- Beaker
- Beastie Banishment
- Beastie Collection
- Beastie Confection
- Beastie Lab
- Beastie Laboratory
- Beastie Party
- Beasties
- Beautiful Friendship
- Beauty Rest
- Beauty Unrest
- Bedazzle Him
- Bedding
- Bedridden
- Bee
- Beeswax
- Beginner Clothes Corset
- Beginner Clothes Skirt
- Beginner Outfit Pants
- Beginner Outfit Shirt
- Being a Green Mother
- Belated Birthday
- Bellflower
- Bellows
- Bells
- Ben
- Berry
- Berry Scone
- Berry Sweet
- Best Friend's Club
- Best Laid Plans
- Better Beastie Banishment
- Better Than Ever
- Big Fashion
- Big Foot?
- Big Things in Big Packages
- Big Trip
- Big Trouble
- Bird Feeder
- Bird House
- Birthday Woes
- Black Orchid
- Blacksmith
- Blacksmith's Anvil
- Blaze
- Blaze Through
- Blue Carnival Tree
- Blue Cauldron
- Blue Feather
- Blue Seashell Charms
- Blue Tulip
- Bluebonnet
- Book of Sinister Schemes
- Boom Stick
- Bottle of Eye Drops
- Bottle of Ink
- Bottoms Up
- Bottoms Up!
- Bread Dough
- Break Curse spell
- Break the Ice
- Breaking the Book
- Breaking the Ice
- Breaking the Ice (To Woo a Maiden)
- Breaking the ice
- Breathe Easy
- Breathing Like a Dragon
- Brew Love
- Brick By Brick
- Brick Courtyard
- Brick Oven
- Brick by Brick
- Bridge-Zilla
- Bridge Suspension
- Bridge of Trust
- Brine Dining
- Bringing Up the House
- Bruised Feelings
- Brush With Danger
- Bubbly Grog
- Bugs Repairing
- Building A Foundation
- Building Confidence
- Building a Better Beastie
- Buildings
- Bullseye
- Bump in the Night
- Bump in the Road
- Bun-tastic!
- Bunches of Babies
- Bundle of Wheat
- Butcher
- Butter-side Up
- Buttering Up
- Button
- By the Book
- By the Seat of His Pants
- Cabbage
- Calming Treat
- Campfire
- Can't Get Her Out Of My Head
- Can I Have Some More, Please?
- Candle
- Cannon
- Career Woman
- Carnival Confetti
- Carnival Lantern
- Carp Diem
- Carrot
- Carrot Cake
- Carry A Flame
- Castle
- Castle Crasher
- Castle Dungeon
- Castle Improvement
- Castleberry Punch
- Castleville Wiki
- Castleville Wiki Updates
- Catapult
- Catch and Release
- Cathedral
- Cathedral Construction
- Celestial Magic
- Chain Mail Pants
- Chain Restaurant
- Characters
- Charity Begins At Home
- Charm Bracelet
- Charmed
- Charmstone
- Charmstones
- Chateau
- Checking Him Out
- Cheer Itself
- Cheer and Present Danger
- Cheese
- Chew Toy
- Chewy Meat Bar
- Chick-ster!
- Chicken
- Chicken Lover
- Chicken Meat
- Chicken Pot Pie
- Chicken or the Egg?
- Chili Pepper
- Chill Out
- Chisel
- Chocolate Bar
- Chocolate Delight
- Chop Chop!
- Chow Downed
- Christmas 2011
- Clam
- Clap if you Believe
- Clay
- Clean Freak
- Clean Sweep
- Cleansed With Flame
- Clear Intentions
- Clobberin' Time
- Clock Tower
- Clockmaker
- Cloning Around
- Cloth Apron
- Clothes
- Clucked Up
- Coal
- Coat of Arms
- Coat of Honey
- Cobblestone Courtyard