Castleville Wiki
Crop 01 Empty

Farm Plots are placed on land. You plant seeds in them and plants are ready over time.

You start the game with 3 farm plots and can purchase more from the market. By placing a crop in the farm plot you can farm. Farming works as a way to earn additional coins. The harvesting of the crops will also give experience points and harvests which can be used in crafting items. The farm plots are limited in quantity according to levels:

  • Levels 1-11 can have up to 30 plots.
  • Levels 12-14 can have up to 35 plots.
  • Levels 15-19 can have up to 40 plots.
  • Levels 20-24 can have up to 45 plots.
  • Levels 25-29 can have up to 50 plots.
  • Levels 30-34 can have up to 55 plots.
  • Levels 35-40 can have up to 60 plots.

Placing plots in proximity to water sources shortens harvest time by 5-50%, depending on distance as well as quantity of sources touching the edges of the plot. Rivers can be overlapped and are the best way early in the game to decrease harvest times 40-50%. At higher levels water pumps can be employeed to the same effect.

Inventory limits you to 50 of each harvested item.

The withering time of any crop is 3x the crop's harvest time. This is not affected by any method of shortening the harvest time (i.e. fertilizer or water source).

Farm costs[]

  • Note: Select the tab to see the relevant information.

  • Withered Crops will only gain you half the money back of what it cost to place the crop.
  • Withered period starts after your crops have matured (when they're ready to harvest). Withered periods in this table are given by Zynga.
  • Please see individual Crop Pages for more detailed analysis.
Name Costs Produces Period
(d hh:mm)
Withered Period
(d hh:mm)
File:CoffeeBeans 02.png
Coffee Beans
Coins 45 Coins Coins 160 Coins 0d 01:30 0d 01:30 Completing the
"What, the Hull?"
Grapes 02
Coins 5 Coins Coins 50 Coins 0d 00:05 Do not wither Xp 01 Level 02
Flax 02
Coins 25 Coins Coins 100 Coins 0d 00:30 0d 00:30 Xp 01 Level 02
Carrots 02
Coins 50 Coins Coins 150 Coins 0d 01:00 0d 01:00 Unknown
File:SugarCane 02.png
Sugar Cane
Coins 225 Coins Coins 450 Coins 0d 06:00 0d 06:00 Xp 01 Level 06
Wheat 02
Coins 100 Coins Coins 550 Coins 1d 00:00 1d 00:00 Xp 01 Level 02
Tomatoes 02
Coins 150 Coins Coins 400 Coins 0d 08:00 0d 08:00 Xp 01 Level 08
Cabbage 02
Coins 200 Coins Coins 500 Coins 0d 12:00 0d 12:00 Xp 01 Level 10
File:Magic Bean 02.png
Magic Bean
Coins 175 Coins Coins 450 Coins 0d 10:00 0d 10:00 Unknown
Cotton 02
Coins 250 Coins Coins 600 Coins 0d 14:00 0d 14:00 Xp 01 Level 12
Cocoa 02
Coins 300 Coins Coins 700 Coins 0d 16:00 0d 16:00 Xp 01 Level 14
Corn 02
Coins 40 Coins Coins 175 Coins 0d 2:00 0d 2:00 Xp 01 Level 15
Oats 02
Coins 75 Coins Coins 225 Coins 0d 03:00 0d 03:00 Xp 01 Level 16
ChiliPeppers 02
Chili Pepper
Coins 350 Coins Coins 800 Coins 0d 18:00 0d 18:00 Xp 01 Level 18
Potatoes 02
Coins 400 Coins Coins 600 Coins 0d 04:00 0d 04:00 Xp 01 Level 20
Strawberries 02
Coins 500 Coins Coins 1,000 Coins 1d 12:00 1d 12:00 Xp 01 Level 22

On a cost per farming profit, your time is best spent farming grapes. However, unless you've donated cash and have tons of energy potions at your disposal, the next best option is Flax. Your profit per minute is inversely proportional to the time spend in the ground.

That is to say, the longer something takes to harvest, the less profit you make. Look at the table below and you can decide for yourself how to best spend your energy.

Name Minutes to Harvest Profit per Plot Profit per Minute
File:CoffeeBeans 02.png
Coffee Beans
90 115 1.277
Grapes 02
5 45 9.000
Flax 02
30 75 2.500
Carrots 02
60 100 1.66⅔
File:SugarCane 02.png
Sugar Cane
360 225 0.625
Wheat 02
1440 450 0.312
Tomatoes 02
480 250 0.520
Cabbage 02
720 300 0.41⅔
File:Magic Bean 02.png
Magic Bean
600 275 0.458
Cotton 02
840 350 0.41⅔
Cocoa 02
960 400 0.41⅔
Corn 02
120 135 1.125
Oats 02
180 150 0.83⅓
ChiliPeppers 02
Chili Pepper
1080 450 0.41⅔
Potatoes 02
240 200 0.83⅓
Strawberries 02
2160 500 0.231